Discover GLOUP®
Most commonly used medication swallowing gel worldwide
No interactions with your medication
100% Natural
for everybody that can swallow independently, from the age of 2
Registered Medical Device class 1
Free of most common allergens, gluten and lactose
Free of animal based ingredients
No bad taste of medication anymore

Crushing medication/Opening capsules
The use of food thickeners for the intake of medication
The use of fruit juices/ apple sauce for the administration of medication
The use of dairy products for medication administration

Gloup medication swallowing gel is available in 3 versions

Gloup Original
100% natural
favorite for kids
IDDSI Level 3/ yoghurt thickness
strawberry/ banana flavor
most commonly used product

Gloup Zero
100% natural
can be used by diabetics patient
IDDSI Level 3/ yoghurt thickeness
raspberry flavor
no added sugar

Gloup Forte
100% natural
IDDSI Level 4/ pudding thickeness
vanilla flavor
only product on the market with Level 4 classification

Who can use Gloup?
Gloup can be used by everybody that can swallow independently, but faces MIP (medication intake problems). Whether the swallowing issue is due to an illness or not, there is always a version available that offers safe swallowing of your medication. There are different packages available as well, so one should always fit your needs.
Different diseases and forms of dysphagia require different consistencies of the food/ fluid a person takes. Our products always have a guaranteed consistency / thickness. Do you have a form of dysphagia? Always ask your speech therapist which version of Gloup is most fitting for your needs.
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